Wednesday 4 May 2011

The I.T. Crowd

There's not massive amounts of TV programs that I like these days. We frequently see schedules cramped up with endless streams of reality bullshit, hopeless celebrity programs and talent shows. In fact I'm pretty sure I may have mumped on about this before.

However, there is good TV out there! Yesterday, using the last of my free trial from Amazon Prime (cracking service... not paying £50 a month to use it infrequently) 2 items dropped through my door. The first item was the 3 disc Anchorman/Wake up Ron Burgundy set (£3.99 when I ordered it, bargain and a true classic Will Ferrell film + extras!) and the second was The I.T. Crowd 4.0, which nicely supplements my versions 1-3 boxset!

The writer of this little slice of comedy gold for Channel 4 is a man by the name of Graham Linehan who also has such things as Father Ted and Black Books on his CV, he seems to be pretty good on the whole! However, the undoubted star of the show is Richard Ayoade who is an absolute delight as Moss and apparently, based on his first film, a pretty decent prospect as a director.

The show particularly appeals to 'the likes of' (to use someone elses phrasing) me as it uses quite allot of geeky humour and references but also has enough of general and observational humour to reach past that and appeal to a wider audience (e.g. Cerys likes it too).

The news that a 5th series will be complete and on screens this year is an undoubted bonus and will make my £8-£10 lighter in the pocket as soon as it's available. Even though I was a bit late on this one...

If I had to compare it.. it would be difficult, maybe somewhere in between The Big Bang Theory and The Guild but even that doesn't sit quite right.

Much recommended, but you probably guessed that by now.

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