Thursday 5 May 2011


Before I start, I will openly admit I really don't rate myself at interviews. I don't know if it's the confrontational nature of the across the table style they're traditionally carried out in or what, but I tend to talk crap and make myself look bad.

Well today I had... an interview. It was to join the lovely IT department in work, and although I have no idea if I have the job as of yet, if I had to guess I'd say... no.

By nature I'm a reasonably introverted person (as for some unknown reason I choose to point out today), any of my friends will vouch for this, I generally let conversation pass me by unless I have something useful, funny, incitefull, etc to add. This makes me come across as sometimes quiet (fair enough!) and sometimes distant (not always fair enough). In an interview situation each question has to be answered, and answered quickly and by me. No more waiting for my moment to strike, it's everyone stare at the shy boy.. come on... speak. I try I really do, but I don't think I've ever left an interview going, "Yeah, in the bag mofo, sign me up", today was no exception to that rule.

Worst thing is I can't really put my finger on what was sooooo bad, I think I put across knowledge reasonably well, I put across skills and personality reasonably well, I even used the odd touch of humour, which made them smile, not laugh though... But my brain knows I could have done better. I will also do the introvert thing now of analyse every second of it to the point where I can break it down and write a report on it, nothing beats over analysing stuff you can't do anything about!

To be honest my interview skills are shaky to the point I'm surprised I have a job at all, let alone at a company I like working for, so I can't complain. Equally I can't change my nature and who I am, I'm better now than I ever have been, but I'll never be extroverted and outgoing, that's my lot, and to be fair there are signs my child has some of the same traits!!

Once I've had a pint though the above rules don't always apply!

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