Sunday 15 May 2011


Yes, predictable topic, do I look like I care?

Well I watched it, it'd be a stretch to call it good, it was... what it always is. There's plenty of things you could moan about. The fact that every former Russian state votes for it's fellow former Russian states (maybe they should form some kind of union, a Union of Soviet Socialist Republics if you will), the former Yugoslav countries doing the same, us and Ireland not... (well 1 way).

While these voting 'patterns' exist the UK is never going to win, everyone realistically knows this, so why as one of the 'big 5' (welcome back Italia) do we continue to fund it. The BBC at the moment is quick to bemoan lack of funding, having to stretch it's budget, so why pour money into this giant freak show each year? Last year apparently almost £300,000 was spent on the contest that's without sending our act on promotional tours and them attending, hotels etc, no doubt tonight's 'treat' at least equalled that, and next years will be higher again. Is this a good use of public cash? I think not. Or even if ITV took it over and paid for it with advertising. No hit on the public, no concern of mine.

I've no problem with the UK entering, this year at least it kept Anthony Costa away from cash points for a few weeks and stopped the whole group having to sign on for a while, so it's almost a public service. However, why pay so much? Drop our Big 5 status, take our place in the semi-finals with everyone else, use the £300,000 on better programming at home, sounds like a good solid plan to me. If we don't get to the final, it's unlikely to make much of a difference to the result anyway and I wouldn't have to record Britain's Got Talent for a week.

It's not as if it's a musical treat, this years winners sounded off, especially the 2nd time where no doubt they'd had a glass of champagne or 2 backstage, who wouldn't when rich westerners are supplying? Jedward could barely be heard over their backing singers, blue were surprisingly OK, but nothing more. There were a few random warbelling women, but nothing you, hand me the album! I doubt iTunes is currently down from the demand of any of the tracks, it's generally... blah.

(The iTuines snide remark prompted me to check... Jedward #40 Blue #16 & 50 Lena #100 (with the 2010 song not this years)

The absolute highlight used to be Terry Wogan, at the end he could almost write the results out before the contest and just hand them in. The fact he'd become so cynical about the contest he almost held it in contempt was never hidden and as a result he was funny and entertaining, something which he still is when interviewed about the show. While Norton took a huge stride in that direction this year, he's not nearly cynical enough to give the contest the commentary it deserves, give him 2 or 3 years and he'll be there though. If it's still on (here's hoping).

Of what I've initially read also, next years host country (as they won it) Azerbaijan is 4 hours ahead of us. But the time will remain constant to satisfy TV in German, France, UK etc. So it'll start at midnight local time and finish at pushing 4am, that's quite crap from their perspective.

Saying all that, I'm now watching Most Haunted, so I may know squat about good TV.

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