Wednesday 10 August 2011

UK Riots

Generally I think of the UK as a good country, but there are problems. Keeping 60m people on an island, you're gonna get problems there's no doubt about that. It's a sad thing that these problems are then used as an excuse for people to do what they want.

Yes, initially there was no doubting people wanted to peacefully protest about the shooting of Mark Duggan, as is their right to do so, and I would never deny anybody that right. If it came to something that my community cared about I'd hope we'd do the same. However, this peaceful protest was hijacked by people who, chances are, didn't give a flying fuck about the cause or reason, they just wanted to kick off.

I've heard many experts of the TV trying to explain away the reasons behind the rioting, I've heard it's police attitude, living conditions, no doubt someone had suggested it's cos they're daddy doesn't love them any more. Bullshit, these people want high end free stuff and suddenly this opportunity to loot en masse and they took it, knowing full well in the numbers they were the police would struggle to cope.

Lives were put at risk, livelihoods were destroyed just because someone wanted the thrill or setting fire to buildings. I'm by no means right wing but if the call was mine, on a strictly watching from a distance anger and frustration point of view, there would have been soldiers, armed police the works. If they want to create hell... fuck 'em.

Some of these morons even bragged on twitter/facebook "Yo biatches I got maself I new plasma last night" or a variation of. Thankfully people seemed to pick this up and forward on names etc to the police. These are the same 'protesters' that were so brave facing up to police they'd run up, throw something and immediately leg it incase they missed and the police smacked them one. Only problem there is the cop would probably be made into a villan and all police made to only use foam mallets in riot situations.

Some of the kids that have been interviewed, particularly those ones on the BBC yesterday, have come across as thick, mindless and many things I'm too polite to point out. Clearly no knowledge of the situation, using the pretence of 'sticking it to the man', well yeah if the 'man' is a independent business owner struggling to get by as it is, or someone renting a now destroyed flat who is temporarily homeless. Idiots.

Oops those right wing thoughts are back again. Honestly, if my daughter turns out like these morons, she's going to boarding school. Forever.

As you may be aware, as it says it on the top of the page, I'm from South Wales and rumours were flying last night about trouble in Cardiff, theer was little, it seems like about 7 14 year olds tried breaking into JD sports and something on Cowbridge road realised they didn't have a clue what they were doing and legged it before the police arrived. But still, these kids have obviously seen London/Birmingham/Manchester etc (even Gloucester last night?? Seriously??) as something to be aspired too, they fancied some new Reebok Classics an iPod touch and one of those bendy sausages from Wimpy (I mean honestly... looting Wimpy on Monday... that must be mindless violence as there's little to steal) for free and thought they'd try their luck.

There were facebook messages being sent round trying to incite rioting, however thankfully the Welsh either can't be arsed (which judging by our history is unlikely) or couldn't see the point. Kudos to all the Cardiff Chavs.

I think London may be done, extra police, the condemnation of Mark Duggans family, all may have helped the situation, but now it's spread, will things carry on in Manchester and Birmingham tonight? Probably yes, but with a bit of luck the police will soon be in control and can get started on locking these motherlovers up.

Finally massive respect of the riot clean up people. This shows what the UK is really about, helping out and getting back to normality. Thankfully none needed by me, but I like to think I'd help if there were (and work would give me the day off).

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