Friday 7 October 2011

Please sponsor me!


No rant today, more of a beg!

In just 9 days time I, under the persona of runner 6695, will be one of a massive 14,000 people tearing through the streets of Cardiff as a runner in the Cardiff Half Marathon.

I do these things as a personal challenge, something always to keep ahead of me to work for, although this time the work has been beyond non-existent, I'll do better next time I promise, but I also do them to do what I can for charity. This run as my last couple have been is for Velindre Cancer Hospital in Cardiff.

I could spout endless amounts of shite about their good work but it's generally better to let them do the talking, their information is here:

So if you have a spare pound, fiver, grand (maybe not) and want to give it to Velindre, I'll be happy to be the conduit for that. Plus it'll help spur me round the 13+ miles of disaster and torment that lay ahead of me.

You can sponsor me at:

Thanks in advance!

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