Before I start, I'm quite a lazy person. I'm sure anyone I know will happily back me up on that fact. However, I still do fine the energy to type 1 maybe 2 extra characters into words to make them from gibberish to some kind of legible language everyone can understand. (OK occasionally on twitter I'll shorten, but that's due to the 140 limit. Sue me) However, increasingly my Twitter feed, Facebook news feed is taken up but streams and streams of borderline illegible shite.
I ask myself, why do they do it? Does dropping a vowel from a word save some amazing amount of energy? Does it cover up such poor English language skills that they wouldn't be fully capable of spelling the word correctly?
Regarding the energy, I'm fairly sure the amount of time/effort/energy saved by these... 'interesting' spellings is so low it would take 10000s of words to even get near the amount of energy I use out of pure frustration every time I see one. So straight away they're hurting the energy balance of the entire world.
I've made a decision anyway, from now on, if I get a post on any social media network that can't be bothered typing things out in proper English. I can't be bothered reading it, or any future posts by that person. Acronyms are fine, twitter shortening I can live with if it's to bring it in under limit. But I'm 'neva' going '2' 'rply' '2' 'ne'shite I 'c' '4rm' shortened word using people.
Just learn to spell for Gods sake, I know you didn't pay attention in 'skool' 'cos' you were to 'kool' but really, I don't give a fuck, yes I said fuck not 'fuk' or 'fk'.
I'm not saying I everyone needs to write by my standards, people can write what they like how they like. I'm saying I can't be arsed getting my English>Chav dictionary out to read someone it turns out I wasn't interested in anyway. I don't want perfect English, there must be people out there who find my grammar offensive (how many 'that's are in this piece alone??)
To be honest for all the intelligent well thought out stuff that comes across it, I'm tempted to bin my Facebook completely. Honestly, I can live without it, it wasn't for the photos on there I'd do it now. I'm fairly sure I have enough backups anyway. Actually yeah, I'm going to do it now!! Maybe.
Being more positive, Newsthump have used a few of my things of late woo-hoo must be getting better (remember look for the stuff 'by Andrew Driscoll' including the current headline). Also, I'm working on a plan to try my hand at my own site, it's been a while since I did HTML, but it's all good fun.
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